Cloud & Data Solutions

Because the happy path isn't always the path you're on....

At Edge Case, we believe in looking under every stone and asking the awkward questions that might not have an easy answer, but could mean the difference between a roaring success and hours spent in post incident reviews.

Edge Case specialises in cloud solution architecture, and our emphasis is always on actively seeking out the problem scenarios that can derail an otherwise perfect solution.

Maybe you have a specific problem that you need some help with or maybe you just want to take advantage of the cost reductions and agility that the cloud can offer. Either way, we can help. Take a look at our Technology page to see some of the projects we have been working on.

What We Do:

  • Cloud Strategy:
    Should you move to the cloud? The answer isn't always yes. We can help you decide if now really means now.
  • Data Security:
    This is number one on everybody's list of cloud concerns, but with good design it need not be a show-stopper.
  • Big Data:
    Data lakes, realtime analytics, streaming. How can you take advantage of the changing landscape of data? We can help you decide what's good for your organisation, and what's just a buzzword too far.
  • Cloud Migration:
    How do you go about moving to cloud, without risking your day to day business and without costing the earth?
  • Service Design:
    Once you are in the cloud, how do you make sure that your services remain stable, resiliant and manageable?

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